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Exercise and Physical Activity: Fit for Life

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Exercise and Physical Activity

Exercise and Physical Activity: Fit for Life – After walking on one of the treadmills at the local community centre, I realized I’d be happier walking outside. So I got a step counter and started walking around my neighbourhood. Since then, I’ve seen yellow tulips bloom in the spring and leaves fall from the trees in the fall. As a result, I always come home with more energy and enthusiasm to continue the rest of the day.”

These older adults are living proof that exercise and physical activity are good for you, no matter how old you are. Staying active can help you:

  • Conserve and maintain strength to remain self-governing.
  • Have more vigour to do the things you want to do.
  • Improve balance.
  • Prevent or delay some diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Improve your mood and decrease the state of depression.

You don’t need to buy unique clothes or join a gym to be more lively. Physical activity can and must be part of your daily life. Find out what you like to do: go for a brisk walk, ride a bike, dance, do housework, garden, climb stairs, swim, rake leaves, etc. Try different types of activities that keep you moving. Find new ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine.

Four Ways to be Active

To get the most out of physical activity, try to do the following four types of exercises:

  • Resistance
  • Strengthening
  • Balance
  • Flexibility

Throughout the week or at least for several days of the week, be sure to do at least 30 minutes of an activity that helps you get your breathing up. It is known as endurance activity because it builds your energy or “control.” It is unnecessary to be active for 30 minutes straight; 10 minutes of each activity is acceptable. Just make sure it’s a total of 30 minutes a day.
How much effort do you have to make? For example, if you can talk without any problems during the exercise, you are not working hard enough. But if, on the other hand, you cannot speak, that is a sign that you are already trying too hard.

Keep using the muscles. Strengthening exercises build muscles. With strong muscles, you will be able to get up from the chair alone, lift your grandchildren and walk through the park.
Keeping your muscles fit helps prevent falls that lead to problems like a broken or broken hip. When the leg and hip muscles are strong, a fall is less likely to occur.

Do exercises that help you with balance. For example, try standing on one foot and then the other. If possible, don’t hold on to anything. For example, get up from the chair without leaning on your hands or arms. Occasionally walk in a straight line with one foot in front of the other, with the toes of the back foot touching the front foot’s heel.

Stretching exercises can help your flexibility. Moving around more efficiently will make it easier for you to do things like bend down to tie your shoes or look over your shoulder when you’re backing up your car. Do stretching exercises when you’ve warmed up your muscles, and don’t stretch to the point of pain.

Exercise Cycle

The exercise cycle for weight loss is beneficial for our bodies. An exercise cycle can help you lose weight. It can also prevent diseases like diabetes and heart disease. In addition, an exercise cycle at home has many benefits, such as increasing blood sugar tolerance, burning fat, and keeping your body fit.

Who Should Exercise?

Most people, regardless of age, can engage in some form of physical activity. Even if you have a chronic disease, like heart disease or diabetes, you should still exercise. In addition, physical activity might help you. Brisk walking, bicycling, swimming, lifting weights, and gardening is safe activities for almost all older adults, especially if they start slowly. However, if you are over 50 years old and not used to active exercise, it is recommended that you consult your doctor first. You should also talk to a doctor if you have or suffer from the following:

  • A new symptom that you haven’t discussed with your doctor yet
  • Dizziness or shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • A feeling that the heart is hopping beats, or beating fast or fluttering
  • blood clots
  • An infection or fever accompanied by muscle pain
  • unplanned weight loss
  • Foot or ankle injuries that do not heal
  • joint swelling
  • A detached or bleeding retina, eye surgery, or laser eye treatment
  • a hernia
  • Recent hip or back surgery

Exercise and Physical Activity – Preventive Tips

Here are about tips to make sure you’re exercising the right way :

  • Start slowly, especially if you haven’t been active for a long time, and gradually increase your activities and effort into doing them.
  • Do not hold your breath during strengthening exercises. It could cause changes in blood pressure. It may feel painful at primary, but the right thing to do is inhale as you lift something and exhale as you relax.
  • Wear preventative gear. For example, wear a bike helmet or proper shoes for walking or jogging.
  • Unless your doctor has restricted you, be sure to drink plenty of fluids when you’re exercising. Many older adults do not feel desiring, even if the body needs fluids.
  • Always lean forward from the hips and not from the waist. Avoid rounding your back; if your back stays straight, it’s maybe because you’re counting the right way.
  • Warm up your muscles before doing stretching exercises. First, try walking and exercising with light weights in your hands.
  • Exercise should not hurt or make you very tired. You may feel a minor soreness, discomfort, or fatigue, but you shouldn’t feel any pain. However, being active probably makes you feel better

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