what is SIBO, and what are its symptoms? – In this article, we tell you the whole truth about the disease called SIBO.
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What is SIBO?
The first question to resolve is what we are talking about when we refer to SIBO. This acronym, derived from Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, translates into Spanish as overpopulation or bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine.
Although it is normal to have bacteria in the intestine, they must remain set in the large intestine or the colon for a practical digestive system function. In the cases of SIBO, the bacteria are found and reproduce in the small intestine, causing, as the primary ailment, not being able to absorb the nutrients from the food properly, annoying and painful symptoms and adverse triggers.
Experts disagree on the causes since some affirm that it exists by an unhealthy diet and the lack of motility of the intestine regularly. Still, some studies assure abnormalities in the make-up, PH and protection. They are also determinants for the appearance of this condition.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Symptoms
Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine is known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO can be difficult to diagnose since its symptoms resemble other gastrointestinal disorders. SIBO symptoms frequently include:
One of the most typical signs of SIBO is pain or discomfort in the abdomen. The upper abdomen is typically where the pain is felt.
Bloating: Another typical sign of SIBO is bloating. It is brought on by the gas that the small intestine’s microorganisms create.
Diarrhoea: SIBO frequently manifests with diarrhoea. It results from the small intestine’s enhanced motility, brought on by bacterial overgrowth.
Constipation: Another typical SIBO symptom is constipation. It results from the small intestine’s delayed digestion due to bacterial overgrowth.
Nausea: A common sign of SIBO is nausea. It results from too many bacteria in the small intestine.
Malnutrition: SIBO can result in malnutrition because it impairs the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients from the diet.
Fatigue: SIBO frequently manifests as fatigue. The body’s inability to absorb nutrients from food is what causes it.
Joint pain: SIBO symptoms of joint pain are less frequent. It is brought on by the body’s inflammation brought on by bacterial overgrowth.
Rashes on the skin: Skin rashes are a less frequent SIBO symptom. It is brought on by the body’s inflammation brought on by bacterial overgrowth.
If you exhibit any of these signs, you should get medical advice to diagnose and treat you properly.
How to Achieve an Adequate Diagnosis of SIBO?
Given the ambiguity of these symptoms, the detection of the disease is obtainable as a challenge. One of how the diagnosis of SIBO is more compelling is through a colonoscopy. A small intestine sample And what kind.
Due to the test’s expensive, uncomfortable and painful nature, another method of diagnosis has, known as the Expired Hydrogen Test, which consists of analyzing the breath exhaled by the patient. What is open is the presence of hydrogen produced by the intestinal flora after the intake of different types of sugars.
By breaching down the sugar in food, the intestinal bacteria release hydrogen sent through the bloodstream to the lungs. With the correct preparation, different intolerances of the patient diagnosed.
Possible Consequences of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
Not knowing how to diagnose it in time or confusing it with another disease leads the patient not to properly, resulting in continuing with many discomforts, pains and inconveniences, in addition to the severe health consequences that SIBO entails.
Among these consequences, we can name the following:
- Defective absorption of fats with the presence of “greasy” diarrhoea.
- Lack of vitamins.
- Calm presence of protein in the blood or hypoproteinemia; on rare occasions, it can cause severe malnutrition, but it usually occurs if there is another intestinal disease.
- Dearth want vitamin B12 or cobalamin.
- In essence, not misdiagnosed generates a deterioration in the quality of life.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Treatment
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is typically treated with dietary modifications, antibiotics, and additional drugs. Treatment aims to lessen SIBO symptoms and the excess of bacteria in the small intestine. Here are some typical medical options:
Antibiotics: Antibiotics are frequently recommended to eradicate the extra bacteria in the small intestine. Depending on the type of bacteria involved, different medicines may also be administered in addition to the widely used antibiotic rifaximin to treat SIBO.
Live bacteria called probiotics can assist in reestablishing a balanced population of gut bacteria. They can be eaten through foods like yoghurt, kefir, and sauerkraut or taken as supplements.
Dietary changes: A low-FODMAP diet may help reduce SIBO symptoms. This diet calls for avoiding particular kinds of carbs that can be challenging to digest and feed the bacteria in the small intestine. An individual nutrition plan can be developed with the aid of a registered dietitian.
A liquid diet that contains all the essential nutrients in a form that is simple to digest is known as an elemental diet. This diet can starve the small intestine’s microorganisms and promote gut healing.
Medications that increase gut motility include prokinetics, which can facilitate better food transit through the digestive system and lower the risk of bacterial overgrowth.
A healthcare expert should determine the ideal treatment strategy for your circumstances. Addressing any underlying illnesses like celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or other digestive issues might also aid in reducing the symptoms of SIBO
Antibiotic And Diet
To treat SIBO, specialists advise a joint effort between medication and diet. The chosen antibiotic will depend on the Expired Hydrogen Test to avoid attacking the diversity of the flora and generating secondary effects.
Often said. we are what we eat. Why the symptoms of SIBO are improved by following known FODMAP diet, an acronym for Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.
Diet aims to lower those foods that are not digested or generate an overfeeding of the bacteria of the intestinal microbiota ferment it.
The foods that must evade are Fructans, Fructose, Lactose, Galatians and Polyols. low-FODMAP diet, foods such as garlic, onions, apples, nuts, dairy products, lentils, peas, and beans, among others, are reduced from regular feeding.
The diet indicated for SIBO is others of an intestinal nature, such as Irritable Colon. It prescribed and controlled. A nutrition professional due to its importance and the modifications that may vital during the treatment.
Similarly, a professional recipe will allow the diet to be specific and balanced, thus helping to restore normalcy of the digestive tract.
Beyond the problem that caused this disease to usually stated in recent weeks, SIBO has achieved more incredible notoriety. Many people who have not heard anything about it before are investigating and consulting specialists to rule out that their health conditions are unrelated to this syndrome.